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What is an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem?

Increasing the number of successful growth companies is a major focus for policy makers in developed countries. However, existing approaches are proving ineffective. Simply creating traditional supportive conditions is insufficient.
The entrepreneurship ecosystem approach has emerged as a response. […]

25 Oct 2020 | By Viktorija Sokol

Impact of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurship

In the face of the global pandemic of COVID-19, entrepreneurs have to face a new reality: this is not only a massive health problem impacting millions of people around the world. […]

What are the SDGs 2030 and what is their...

The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (or SDGs) were created by the United Nations in 2015 as a call for action to protect the planet and ensure a sustainable future […]

What makes a successful start-up team?

There is a tendency to focus more on the financial aspects of the start-up, its strategy and business model, often leaving out one core aspect – the start-up team. […]

The Pandemic’s impact on “Remote Work” and What’s next

The pandemic forced millions of people to change the way work. Wherever possible, companies embraced remote work to keep their employees safe and their businesses open during shelter place orders. Working remotely during a crisis is totally different […]

25 Oct 2020 | By Meisha Bochicchio

All You Need to Know About Construction..

The pandemic forced millions people change the way they work. Wherever possible, companies embraced remote work to keep their employees […]

The Most Important Soft Skills for the..

The pandemic forced millions people change the way they work. Wherever possible, companies embraced remote work to keep their employees […]

Why You Need To Start Resourcect on..

The pandemic forced millions people change the way they work. Wherever possible, companies embraced remote work to keep their employees […]

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